Miss Tori x

Miss Tori x
A never ending story of deadlines, diets and devious men x

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Betty Crocker

'Babe; they're totally not cooked. Shall I put 'em back in?'
'But they've been out for ages babe. Just eat 'em babe.'
'Yeah but babe; we might get food poisoning'
'Yeah true; stick 'em back in babe'.

You might think this was ok if we'd tried hard, from scratch. But no, no - this was a 99p 'shake and bake' carrot cake cupcake mix from Asda.............. and we still didn't master it. Though; putting them back in the oven (after twenty minutes) wasn't as disastarous as it sounds and this morning, once cooled they were actually ok.... and last night? - Though a little soggy inside, it's amazing the wonders icing can make; much like MAC make up- covers a multitude of sins.

Before cupcake gate; one of my very best friends (Athina Andrelos) and I had managed to successfully make a beautiful Chilli Con Carne (well, more Athina than me), despite a power cut the actual second we turned the oven on. There sat the pot - complete with an oiled bottom, chopped up onions (amazing for the eyes), an opened can of kidney beans, mince with the cellophane top ripped off and two very hungry, totally stunned girls.

'Shit babe. No way.... of all the nights'....

The Betty Crocker School of Cookery we'd set up this fine Saturday evening was an attempt to force ourselves to stay in. Athina refused to 'tan' or wash her hair in another attempt to ensure we didn't break the promise and crack open the vodka/diet cokes (we've both admitted that plain diet coke the day after, often tastes laced with vodka to us... it's starting to merge; hence the decision for a night in perhaps); she also tried to say
'good job we didn't go out - look at this spot'....
I asked her to shut up and stop wasting my time, as it was smaller than a money spider and she's one of the most beautiful visions i've ever witnessed.

The power cut however, eventually subsided and we were joined by beautiful, blonde Jessie (and my Mum who popped in and out of the conversations and giggles) - and the 'Saturday Night In' was a complete success... one that left me feeling satisfied (and very full) when I went to bed that evening, I certainly dreamed sweet.

This evening had followed my Friday Night at 'Avenue Q' - it was the first time i'd seen this hillariously brilliant musical, made even sweeter by the fact that one of the best men on earth (in my humble opinion) was starring, Mr Paul Spicer. Paul is as beautiful a friend as he is a performer and as if the show wasn't satisfying enough, Paul, my beautiful bumchum (and PERFECT company for the evening) Jake and I, went and had a couple hours worth of giggles in Century, after a slightly dodgy start with an old drunk man groping Jake's bum and then offering us drinks..

'I hadn't even got my coat off'.....

A swift word with the bar staff, a call upstairs and a follow my (Paul) leader and we were onto better times... four glasses of wine and two vodka lemonades later (between us- God! I'm not THAT bad!) it was time to say goodbye, but not before a lush walk along the strand..............
'Is that Legally Blonde?' 
'Yeah; It looks like a car wash'.
I woke up feeling so content........ lucky....... you know when the conversation just flows and hearts are open; Happy. Not to mention proud,....what a talent that SpiceBoy is.

The night before that I'd hit Maya with the girls for some drunken antics and lots of hair swinging. Lashes, lip gloss and hairspray were out in full force along with ridiculous heels (not mine) and copious amounts of vodka... we left early and got a cheap taxi and a mcdonalds; we didn't need to pout anymore - the music was hot .... but loud... and with friends like mine, you get a little bored... there's too much fun to be SAID... let alone had... and shouting over Dirty Diana and Rude Boi gets annoying; the taxi home was probably my highlight; particularly the Nigerian driver raising his voice a fair few octaves to perform impressions of our extreme excitement that MCDONALDS WAS OPEN!

He waited for us to pile out and order and wasn't even grumpy when we ate in his car; what a beauty....

So all in all............ after three days spent with the majority of the most special people in my life (as well as a bum groping stalker and a generous driver) I am content (there's that word again), not to mention inspired
'you should get your act together and audition for one of the divas in Priscilla'
.... I have beautiful people in my life who look out for me, and who whether in or out or on stage or off stage or being stalked or scoffing mcdonalds, never fail to make me smile, bubble over with pride and feel worth something.....

I feel like life is just starting for me; at twenty-three..... I know who I am (for now anyway) and I like WHERE I am.... I've always liked writing; so why not blog it?

Hello World - You Along For The Ride? xxxx

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